Full English
Industry advice on tap for your student radio station!
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Hello there
(General Kenobi!)
I'm Adam English. I've been working in radio since 2018 and, in that time, I've won some awards, worked at a good few places and learnt rather a lot about the industry.
Now, with the help of some friends, I'm passing that knowledge back to where it all began for me. Student radio!
What if your student radio members could have unlimited access to industry professionals?
Industry Advice
Get career advice about the radio industry in one to one sessions with people who actually work in it. It's as simple as booking a video call in a calendar.
Audio Feedback
Get feedback on your student radio show or have an industry expert listen to your award submissions.
Talk projects through, get fresh ideas and input for your station with people who know how to make you stand out.
The Team
Industry professionals on tap at no cost to society members!
When signed up, your society members can schedule unlimited video calls with any of us. It's as simple as booking it in a calendar.
Ask industry advice, get feedback on audio or have them help you come up with the next award winning radio feature!
Sound good?
Chuck us an email: